Robert Graves Lecture 2011_Ms. Laura Viani_Thursday, 2nd June 2011

24/05/2012 in Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 123, St. Stephens Green, Dublin 2

Pictured left to right: Professor Thomas N Walsh, Mr. Parnell Keeling. Professor Hyacinth Browne, Professor Gerald C O’Sullivan and Mr. Mayilone Arumugasamy
- Pictured from left to right: Mr. Michael Colreavy, Mr. Stephen Kieran, Ms. Laura Viani, Ms Helena Rowley and Mr. Peter Walshe
- Ms. Laura Viani and Mr. Peter Walshe

Pictured left to right: Ms. Eve Malone, Ms. Niamh McCutcheon, Ms. Laura Viani and Ms. Stephanie O’Donnell
Ms. Laura Viani, Director of the National Cochlear Implant Centre
“A Journey Out of Silence”
Dr. Viani set up the National Cochlear Implant Programme in the early 1990’s and did the first Cochlear Implant in the country in 1995. The lecture outlined the work of the children’s Cochlear Implant department including workup, assessment, surgery and post operative rehabilitation both in the adult and children’s programme. The National Cochlear Implant Service is a multi-disciplinary team delivered a programme based in Beaumont Hospital and more recently Temple Street Children’s Hospital. Dr. Viani discussed the background to sensory neural hearing loss in terms of genetic and non genetic causes and how the children have been transformed from impaired hearing and dependence fully on sign language and having the option of a Cochlear Implant and integration into normal schooling etc. The implants audit was also presented which showed the work to be of the highest standard and certainly very favourable in terms of comparison with international standards. The unit is funded in a 100% public fashion at present and in an addition to funding there is multiple events arranged by the multi-disciplinary team and patients, parents and families with regards to private fundraising to facilitate the continued excellence of the programme. To date almost 500 patients have been implanted and this has made a huge difference to patient’s lives and the programme is expanding.
The event was attended by a great number of people in the College of Surgeons in Dublin. People who attended included Surgeons, Physicians, patients and their families and the different staff members from all multi-disciplinary teams medical and non-medical between both Beaumont Hospital and Temple Street Hospital.
Click Here for Programme Agenda
This is the fifty-first Graves Lecture since its beginning in 1961.