RAMI Odontology Section Webinar. Wed 12th Feb 2025 @ 7:30 pm

12/02/2025 in virtual

Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation: An Update

Dr Cal McCarthy
BDS MFDS MS Certificate of Paediatric Dentistry (Texas A&M)
Practice Limited to Paediatric Dentistry

This lecture presents current thinking on molar incisor hypomineralisation (MIH)
in the paediatric dental population. Updates on the management of and
restorative strategies for MIH in primary and tertiary care settings are explored.




Dr Cal McCarthy graduated in dentistry from University College Cork in 2015.
He then spent time in private general practice, followed by a maxillo-facial
dental core trainee position in the UK. Cal fulfilled non-consultant hospital
doctor roles thereafter in both Cork University Hospital and Children’s Health
Ireland, Crumlin. He gained his Masters in Oral Biology and Certificate in
Paediatric Dentistry from Texas A&M University in June 2024. Cal is currently in
private practice limited to Paediatric Dentistry at the Hermitage Blackrock
Clinic, Dublin, and holds a fellow position at Children’s Health Ireland, Crumlin.

There is no registration fee to attend.

Date/Time: Wednesday 12th February 2025 at 7:30pm (19:30)

Link to Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 823 9629 6613

Passcode: 919266

Dr Gabrielle O’Donoghue 



RAMI Odontology Section Secretary