Biomedical Science template for 2021 conference

Abstract text less than 400 words, typed in Arial 12 point type size with single line spacing. Figures cannot be accepted.
Titles of abstracts should where appropriate:
  • give the type of animal used (common name or genus, including man).
  • state if the preparation made use of anaesthesia
  • state that isolated tissues were used.
  • Please name your word document “Biomedical,Category,Last name” e.g. Biomedical, Donegan, O’Halloran.doc or Biomedical, Poster, Jackson.doc
Where appropriate:
·         state the species and anaesthesia used. If experiments have been carried out in vitro, this should be clearly stated and the tissue named.
·         state that ethical committee approval was obtained for experiments on human subjects.
·         for experiments performed on anaesthetized animals, include the name of the anaesthetic, its route of administration and the dose used. (In experiments involving paralysed anaesthetized animals, the abstract must provide evidence of the efficacy of the anaesthetic technique e.g. reference citation).
·         include numerical data which, if presented as mean values, must include the S.D. or S.E.M.; n values should also be given. Statistical tests used should be named and the level of significance indicated where appropriate e.g. p<0.05.
·         include, where possible, only those abbreviations accepted in the field. (New abbreviations should be explained within the text).
·         include succinct descriptions of methods and clear descriptions of results and conclusions
If you are not a RAMI member when submitting your abstracts(s) please use 1234 for RAMI ID
Sample Abstract:
      Leave one line space between Title and Authors.
J.     M. Allen1, A.K. Keenan2, J. Hall3. Departments of 1Biological and Biomedical Sciences etc.,2Pharmacology etc  and 3Physiology etc.
Do not preface the authors’ names with the preposition ‘by’ or include ‘and’ before final author. The presenting author should be underlined and author affiliation should be indicated by superscripted numerals as shown. Leave one line space between Authors and Text.
Low copper status has been implicated in atherogenesis1 which in turn is known to impair endothelial cell function thus reducing vasodilatation in response to endothelium dependent relaxing agonists2.
In the current study…………………….
      Indent all paragraphs with no line spacing between paragraphs. A maximum of two references may be included and these should be in the Vancouver style; i.e. numbered within the text and listed at the end of the abstract as detailed below.
………………although the mechanism for this remains unknown.
The authors acknowledge grant support from………
     Leave one line space between Abstract and References.
     References (Limit to three references. Abbreviate journal titles, use first three authors plus et al.  Smith, J, Johnson, P, Quinn, L et al.
1. Allen, J.M., Keenan, A., McHale, N.G. Cholesterolaemia and copper in the …………………………………….deficiency. Br. J. Pharmacol., 1999; 29: 81-89.
2. Davis, G.K., Mertz, W. In: Mertz, W. (ed). Trace elements in ………..
………………………………nutrition (5th edition). Vol. 1, 301-365. Academic Press. San Diego. 1987.