Published Articles in Irish J Med Sci
All papers published since 1832 are available through the Springer website. Some articles are "Open Access" and available to everyone. If you wish to access the contents going back to 1832 you can join RAMI. Online access tokens are given to all Members and Fellows of RAMI. Articles are accessible to RAMI members or individuals accessing from subscribing institutions also.
P. Scully, B. O’Donnell, C. Peters, M. O’Connor, D. Lyons
Older patient hospital admissions following primary care referral: the truth is in the referring
B. Zhu, L. Zhang, Y. Y. Fan, L. Wang, X. G. Li, T. Liu, Y. S. Cao, Z. G. Zhao
Metformin versus insulin in gestational diabetes mellitus: a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials
G. A. Watson, D. Kelly, M. Melland-Smith, J. Gleeson, G. McEntee, C. M. Kelly, J. A. McCaffrey
Get the GIST? An overview of gastrointestinal stromal tumours
Multiple authors
Proceedings of the RAMI Section of Biomedical Sciences Annual Meetings, 2013- 2015
J. P. McNulty, R. Lonergan, J. Bannigan, R. O’Laoide, L. A. Rainford, N. Tubridy
Visualisation of the medial longitudinal fasciculus using fibre tractography in multiple sclerosis patients with internuclear ophthalmoplegia
É. Smith, C. Comiskey, Á. Carroll
Prevalence of and risk factors for osteoporosis in adults with acquired brain injury
R. C. Tarrant, J. M. Queally, P. F. O’Loughlin, P. Sheeran, D. P. Moore, P. J. Kiely
Preoperative curves of greater magnitude (>70°) in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis are associated with increased surgical complexity, higher cost of surgical treatment and a delayed return to function
G. Misirlioglu, O. Sen
Comparison of GlideScope video laryngoscopy and Macintosh laryngoscope in ear–nose and throat surgery
T. Subramaniam, P. Lennon, J. P. O’Neill, J. Kinsella, C. Timon
Total rhinectomy, a clinical review of nine cases
D. Walsh, A. Daly, R. Moran
The institutional response to mental disorder in Ireland: censuses of Irish asylums, psychiatric hospitals and units 1844–2014