History of Medicine

Session 2024-2025

Section President:  Dr. Susan Mullaney 

Acting Section Secretary: Dr. Susan Mullaney (Please note Dr Brian Cleary will take over as Section Secretary in the Spring of 2025)

Section Council Members: Mary O’Doherty, Declan Warde, Brian Cleary, Christopher Fitzpatrick, Patrick Thornton, Susan Mullaney

Sad passing of  Professor Davis Coakley. He was Past President of the History of Medicine Section and a Council Member. We regret to inform you of his death, on 25 September 2022, Honorary Fellow Professor Emeritus Davis Coakley, M.D. (N.U.I.), F.R.C.I., F.R.C.P.ED., F.R.C.P.GLAS., F.R.C.P., Hon. F.T.C.D.  He was a thorough gentleman and a sad loss to everyone.

The Section of the History of Medicine was established in 1956. As with the other sections this section is governed by a President and council, and holds regular meetings at which members present papers.  The founder of the Section was Dr. T.G. Wilson

Living Medical History Project


RAMI Research Awards 2023_Tuesday 29th October 2024

29/10/2024 7:00pm in RCSI, 123, St. Stephen

History of Medicine Section, Monday 15th April 2024 at 6:30 pm

15/04/2024 6:30pm in Whitefriar Street Community Centre, 56, Aungier St., Dublin 2


See more Abstracts

P. Froggatt

The demographic work of Sir William Wilde


Keywords William Wilde – Nineteenth-century Ireland – Census – Demography – Deaf mutism – Plaque

C. Lee

Chairman’s opening address at the Sir William Wilde Bi-Centenary Symposium


Keyword William Wilde Bi-Centenary Symposium

S. Mullaney

Sir William Wilde and provision for the blind in nineteenth-century Ireland


Keywords William Wilde – Blindness – Nineteenth-century Ireland – Census – Ophthalmia